Survey offering free iPads is not associated with Stargate Connections

We have just received a report from a customer who received a pop-up ad for a "Stargate Connections Survey", which claims to offer an iPad for anyone filling out the survey (sample image below).

This site is NOT affiliated with Stargate Connections in any way. Be wary about providing any private information to this site.

Q: How do they know we are a Stargate Connections Customer?

A: They are likely using your IP address to look up our name as your internet service provider. We have found reports that it displays a different provider name for other ISP's.

Q: Is this not illegal/malicious?

A: While this site is certainly trying to be misleading (particularly by giving copyright attribution to us), they have explicitly stated they are not associated with Stargate Connections in the fine print at the bottom of their page. Note that the survey claims to be asking questions about Stargate Connections. There is no reason a third-party cannot run a survey asking for information about our company. However, we are not certain at this time if their intent is benign, and are warning our customers to be vigilant about their privacy.

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